Recount planner (TREE)
Fighting game
Our class went outside to play a fighting game.
Mr. Wong showed us how to play the game.
We had to use sticks and try to grab the stick off your partener.
Jonathan, Sandra, Xavier, Mr wong
Mr wong was smaller than Xavier
Outside in the field
Wednesday afternoon.
Alayah VS Mr wong,Ellenora and then she VS Charlize.
We all had to go back inside and pack up for the day.
Recount draft
Our class went outside to play a fighting game.
Mr. Wong showed us how to play the game.
We had to use sticks and try to grab the stick off your partener.
Mr. Wong Showed us how to use the stick and he showed us with Jonathan, Sandra, and Xavier.
Mr wong was smaller than Xavier
Outside in the field
Wednesday afternoon.
Alayah VS Mr wong,Ellenora and then she VS Charlize.
We all had to go back inside and pack up for the day.
LI: To write an "ending" section for a recount.
Today for writing we had to go outside and write about what we did. We got into partners and Mr. Wong
showed us what we were going to do, we were playing a stick game where you have to try take the stick off
you're partner.