
Friday 4 May 2018


Use a clear title that tells the reader what the explanation writing is about.
What is the Must do Task List?
Introduce the subject / topic to your reader.

You could also explain what some of the technical vocabulary means.
What is the Must do Task List? The Must do Task List is where people from LS1 link their blogs up. When they have linked a blog post they get a number coloured in next to their name. If they get 100% that means they have finished all their work and it’s coloured in golden. And they get to play games with the teachers or have free time. We also have labels to put our work in the correct slot. Reading, Writing, Maths, and Inquiry. And we have labels for Kiwi Can, Kiwi Sport, Cybersmart, and Maori.

Main Points
Describe and explain each point in the process.

Remember to write the points in a logical order, with reasons why each step happens.

You can also use paragraphs and subheadings to organise the points.
We use the Must do Task List to show how much blog post we have done throughout the weeks.

How to use it, we need to create a blog post about something. After we have made a blog post, we need to link it to the must do task list. We click a little button and it will show Link and Name. So we have to copy and paste the blog post link by using CTRL+V CTRL C. When we have copied and pasted it we go back to the must do task list and we paste the link  into the bar that says “Link:” Once we have pasted in the link and the name we have to press enter to put it in.

A summary of the topic.

If your explanation began with a question, you could summarise the answer.
When we have linked the blog post, the number next to the name will change colour and the number. The colours are: Blue, Light Blue, Dark Blue, and Golden.
LI: What is an explanation.
This week for writing we had to write an explanation of what the Must do Task List is. We had to use What, Why, Where, When, Who, and How.

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