Recount planner (TREE)
Dancing through the decades
On Wednesday and Thursday we had a performance we had to
Go at night at 6:00. The whole class went to the hall to perform
The first people who went on stage was room four. They danced
Really cool. And the other class who went on stage was room one. I liked
Their dance then we had senior kapa haka the girls danced before the
Boys and then after the girls the boys danced. Then after room one danced
LS2 went on stage to dance. The first group that went to dance was I see
Red, and Footloose the next class who went on stage was room five.
They all danced to Michael Jackson the audience all laughed at them
Happily. Next we had the junior kapa haka they danced to different songs,
Room three went on stage to dance they danced to number five I thought
Their dance was nice and funny we were after room three our groups
Were Gangnam Style, Single Ladies, Party Rock, Whip and Nae Nae, Dougie
And Harlem Shake. Gangnam Style was the first group to dance and
Single ladies danced after them and party rock was next. Whip and Nae Nae
Danced after them. Dougie was next then Harlem Shake. I was in harlem
Shake I felt really shy. When we finished our dance we went through the
Back and watched pacifica dance.
Pacifica was the last dance to perform.
After they danced Mr. Johnston had some words to say
Before we went home. “Thank you for coming to our dance
I hope you enjoyed it” He said.
Recount draft
On Wednesday and Thursday we had a performance we had to
Go at night at 6:00. The whole class went to the hall to perform
The first people who went on stage was room four. They danced
Really cool. And the other class who went on stage was room one. I liked
Their dance then we had senior kapa haka the girls danced before the
Boys and then after the girls the boys danced. Then after room one danced
LS2 went on stage to dance. The first group that went to dance was I see
Red, and Footloose the next class who went on stage was room five.
They all danced to Michael Jackson the audience all laughed at them
Happily. Next we had the junior kapa haka they danced to different songs,
Room three went on stage to dance they danced to number five I thought
Their dance was nice and funny we were after room three our groups
Were Gangnam Style, Single Ladies, Party Rock, Whip and Nae Nae, Dougie
And Harlem Shake. Gangnam Style was the first group to dance and
Single ladies danced after them and party rock was next. Whip and Nae Nae
Danced after them. Dougie was next then Harlem Shake. I was in harlem
Shake I felt really shy. When we finished our dance we went through the
Back and watched pacifica dance.
Pacifica was the last dance to perform.
After they danced Mr. Johnston had some words to say
Before we went home. “Thank you for coming to our dance
I hope you enjoyed it” He said.
On Wednesday and Thursday we had a performance we had to
Go at night at 6:00 the whole class went to the hall to perform
The first people who went on stage was room four. They danced
Really cool. And the other class who went on stage was room one. I liked
Their dance then we had senior kapa haka the girls danced before the
Boys and then after the girls the boys danced. Then after room one danced
LS2 went on stage to dance. The first group that went to dance was I see
Red, and Footloose the next class who went on stage was room five.
They all danced to Michael Jackson the audience all laughed at them
Happily. Next we had the junior kapa haka they danced to different songs,
Room three went on stage to dance they danced to number five I thought
Their dance was nice and funny we were after room three our groups
were Gangnam Style, Single Ladies, Party Rock, Whip and Nae Nae, Dougie
And Harlem Shake. Gangnam Style was the first group to dance and
Single ladies danced after them and party rock was next. Whip and Nae Nae
Danced after them. Dougie was next then Harlem Shake. I was in harlem
Shake I felt really shy, When we finished our dance we went through the back and watched pacifica dance.
Pacifica was the last dance to perform.
After they danced Mr. Johnston had some words to say
before we went home. “Thank you for coming to our dance
I hope you enjoyed it” He said.
LI: To write a "reveal" section for a recount.
To plan and write a recount in 40 minutes. Today for writing we had to edit the recount
from last week about the performance we were using punctuation to fix our spelling and making it look